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Seminar on LGBT Rights, Adultery and Pothole Menace conducted by Advocate Abha Singh

On 26th July, 2018 at Title Waves in Bandra, former bureaucrat, social activist and lawyer Abha Singh conducted a seminar on LGBT rights, Adultery and the pothole menace in the city of Mumbai. The event was hosted by Abha Singh and Advocate Aditya Pratap. Gracing the occasion with his august presence was renowned actor Zayed Khan, who decided to lend his voice to the Mumbai curse and the quest for justice. He promised to support Dada Bilhore who fills potholes in Mumbai city as a tribute to his son who had died in a pot hole accident.

In fact everyone present at the interactive seminar promise to work with Dada Bilhore and shun any apathy shown till now by Mumbaikars.
In his mesmerizing speech, actor Zayed Khan highlighted the problems affecting the city. He said that Mumbai was designed to support 60 to 70 lakh people but today had to support 2.25 crore souls. Hence there is a crying need for better social and Civic infrastructure in the City. Zayed Khan uploaded the efforts of Abha Singh and her team and wished her luck for her future endeavours.
Meanwhile Advocate Aditya Pratap stressed the need to combat corruption and for people to themselves take up Civic issues. He said that the best way to combat the pothole menace in Mumbai city is to make the BMC shell out massive pecuniary damages for any person who dies or suffers injury due to potholes. This can be accomplished through efficient civil litigation and awarding of heavy financial damages. However the deplorable state of Courts in India and massive pendency of cases stands as a huge obstacle towards achieving this.
In a highly interactive talk, Isha Singh, and alumnus of National Law School of India University Bangalore, talked about the adultery intervention filed by advocate Abha Singh. Abha Singh has put forth additional contentions regarding the law of adultery that the Hon’ble Supreme Court has agreed to hear.
Also present were entrepreneur Parvez Damania, Aneel Morarka, Actor Naazneen Bedi, Nandita Puri and Parikshit Sahni. The lawyers and interns working with Abha Singh put up interesting presentations on Adultery Laws, LGBT rights and Pothole menace in Mumbai. The event ended with a highly interactive question-answer session conducted by Advocate Aditya Pratap on the Food-in-Cinemas case which has worked interest across the country.

Abha Singh

Abha Singh is a former civil servant and presently an advocate practicing in the Bombay High Court. She is a renowned social activist who has done considerable work in the realm of woman’s rights, gender equality and justice. She has done an M.Phil on Child Rights from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Abha Singh was the third runner-up and the lead woman finalist in the Times of India Lead India Campaign in 2008. She was further awarded the Chevening Scholarship to attend the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her talk ‘Honour Killings in India and the Legal Complications of Section 498A” at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London received widespread acclaim. Abha Singh was also invited as a speaker at TEDx Oxbridge, conducted jointly by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in May, 2017. Sensing the call of duty beyond service, she gave up a successful career in the Government to serve a larger cause by donning the robes of the legal profession. Abha Singh obtained a law degree from Bombay University while working as a Government. Abha Singh took up the case of the two Palghar girls in right earnest when she learnt about their unlawful arrest by the Police for innocent comments on Facebook. Due to her perseverance the guilty cops were suspended and the girls were exonerated honorably. Abha Singh has been successfully pursuing the Salman Khan Hit-and-Run case to ensure that the rule of law is upheld and the youth are educated against the hazards of drunken driving.

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